====== 用完就丟的 Mail ====== 建造一個臨時的 Mail Address,可用來申請不信任網站的帳號,避免信箱被賣,導致垃圾郵件一堆。 ===== Firefox Extensions ===== ==== TrashMail.net ==== Create free disposable email addresses and paste them directly in forms. This helps to protect you from spam mails and could be useful when subscribing to forums or newsletters. The email addresses can be deleted at any time! This plugin uses the free TrashMail.net DEA service. Guide to use this extension: Click the right mouse button in an editable field. A menu will appear with the option to paste a disposable email address (see screenshot). ==== Tempomail ==== Create temporary email adresses to prevent your mailbox from spam. ===== 網站 ===== ((參考:http://sate5232.blogspot.com/2006/11/3.html)) ==== Jetable ==== [[http://www.jetable.org/zh/index]] 建立一個臨時信箱,將信件轉送至指定信箱。 ==== mailinator ==== [[http://www.mailinator.com/mailinator/index.jsp]] 隨便輸入「xxxxx@mailinator.com」,進入網站即可到 xxxxx ((為避免重複,儘量設定複雜一點的字串較好))的信箱收信。 ==== Tempinbox.com ==== 同 mailnator,畫面較簡潔 ==== NowMyMail ==== http://www.nowmymail.com NowMyMail should be used to avoid spam when you need to leave your mail address in sites you don' trust enough. Using NowMyMail no one knows your real address, not even us! Registration is not necessary and is completely free.