====== MSDN中文教學課程 ====== http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/msdn/elearning/cht_Courses.htm ====== Open Source Windows ====== http://downloadpedia.org/Open_Source_Windows ====== How to fix your Windows MBR with an Ubuntu Live CD ====== 透過 Ubuntu Live CD 修復 Windows MBR http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=3340 安裝 ms-sys - Write a Microsoft compatible boot record:http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/ sudo apt-get install ms-sys 寫入 MBR: sudo ms-sys --mbr /dev/sda1 ====== Desktop ====== ===== BumpTop 3D Desktop ===== http://bumptop.com/ 建立 3D 立體桌面。 ===== ZBar ===== 在延伸視窗中,加入 Windows 工作列,及其他功能。 http://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/zbar/ ====== Run OpenSSH sshd on Windows without Cygwin ====== http://erictsai.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!5D64586FED470F7B!402.entry