====== Development Resource ====== * [[http://appdevwiki.com/wiki/show/HomePage|App Dev Wiki]] ====== 跨平台開發 ====== ===== PhoneGap ===== http://www.phonegap.com/ PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best... HTML and JavaScript. ===== Titanium ===== http://www.appcelerator.com/ http://www.herxun.co/titanium/ ====== UI Design ====== * [[http://pencil.evolus.vn/|Pencil Project]] - An open-source GUI prototyping tool that's available for ALL platforms. * [[http://mockuphone.com/|One Click to Wrap App Screenshots in Device Mockup]] * [[http://pttrns.com/|Pttrns - Mobile User Interface Patterns]] * [[http://screensiz.es/phone|screen size table]] ====== 台鐵、高鐵時刻表攜帶圖檔 ====== http://www.nfair.net/tw/phtrain/maker.php ====== 退伍倒數計時器 ====== http://victor.csie.org/blog/archives/392 ====== 即時路況 ====== ===== waze ===== http://www.waze.com/ Real-time maps and traffic information based on the wisdom of the crowd