Lesson 1 - Your first windows Program [Win32, C] - We begin our programming quest here. You will write your first windows program which will display the Hello World message. While doing this, you'll get familiar with Dev-C++, your programming environment.
Lesson 2 - A simple win32 application [Win32, C] - In this lesson, you will learn the basics of writing a windows program and we'll take a look at the windows event driven system. This will also serve as a starting code for the rest of the tutorial.
Lesson 3 - Understanding GDI elements [Win32, C] - In this lesson, we'll take a look at some of the drawing methods that windows provides. This is where we will look at drawing functions and actually draw.
Lesson 4 - Changing colors [Win32, C] - In this lesson, you'll learn to change the background and foreground color of various window controls like the edit, list box and the scrollbar controls.